
(18 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Serie televisiva de 26 episodios para el año que viene:

http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/20 … nt/.122224


La peli fue bastante mediocre, si no recuerdo mal.


(18 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Recap escribió:
Recap escribió:

Mystik Belle (WIN, MAC, LX, no gratuito)

Del autor de Ultionus:




Ya en la plataforma Steam, pero pronto en Desura y quizás también en Humble Store, libre de DRM, además de PS4:


Sin DRM: http://darkfalzx.blogspot.com.es/2015/0 … idget.html

Recién lanzado en PS4 y XBO:

http://darkfalzx.blogspot.com.es/2017/1 … x-one.html

Qué triste que los mini-estudios como éste tengan en el multiformato de Dios una compensación monetaria que les valga la pena. Y mientras, su Legend of Iya lleva ¿5? años de retraso.


(3.258 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)



(53 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Six Stars en Steam, en Diciembre:

http://store.steampowered.com/app/66199 … _SIXSTARS/



(245 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)



Plataformas de descarga de PS4 y XBO norteamericanas.


(10 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)




(3.258 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

The Sword of Ianna (MSX2, gratuito)





(13 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Y en Occidente:



(5 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Brasileño y "amateur", parece que confían en lanzarlo este año para WIN y MAC pero sólo bajo Steam:


https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php? … ic=62553.0




(2 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

En realidad, no estaba en preparación sino que se había lanzado un mes antes. El espacio oficial no es precisamente explícito:

http://store.steampowered.com/app/50153 … l_Edition/


(3.258 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Dex (WIN, MAC, no gratuito)



Dex is a 2D action RPG set in a cyberpunk open-world, with a focus on exploration and non-linear gameplay.

Dex's flexible real-time combat system is reminiscent of the classic arcade games from the 90s, and offers many ways to deal with your opponents. Besides melee combat, Dex can also handle a variety of firearms, or alter the physical world via augmented reality. Use mechanical implants to make yourself nearly invincible.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZrlMhx … e=youtu.be

http://en.dreadlocks.cz/games/dex/?age- … e552df17cf


De manos checas, se lanzó digitalmente en 2015 y el pasado año vio versiones para las plataformas de descarga europeas de PS4, PSV y XBO, así como ediciones físicas en WIN y PS4 europeas. Tiene pinta de sólo admitir "pad" analógico.

The Spiral Scouts (WIN, en desarrollo)


Puzzle adventure game.



(3.258 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Devil Engine (WIN, en desarrollo)





(1.778 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Iron Commando (SFC) se reedita extraoficialmente (aunque bajo licencia de los creadores originales, los italianos de Arcade Zone, es de suponer) en Noviembre. La tirada del original fue mínima:

http://www.columbuscircle.co.jp/info/?p … 647-676339



(5 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Disponible (inglés/japonés).





(1.778 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

You might have heard earlier today that we issued a DMCA takedown notice involving emulation developer group RPCS3 and their Patreon page. Yes, it’s true.


RPCS3 es un emulador de PS3 ya capaz de ejecutar juegos comerciales con limitaciones. Su denuncia no ha prosperado.


(11 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_cont … Dp87WUTjB0

Aún sin fecha.


(10 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)


Flynn: Son of Crimson is a 2D action adventure platformer

Acaba de entrar en campaña en Kickstarter; le quedaría año y medio de desarrollo:

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/th … escription





(1.778 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Nº 3 de Extra Magazine, en realidad cuarta entrega, a la venta con --prometen-- mejor papel:




(3.258 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Selling Sunlight (WIN, en campaña)



https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/co … oject_link



(3 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)



(30 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

SriK escribió:

Okay, I see what you're saying now. I haven't played any of those games except for a bit of Dragon Ninja, so my points of reference for this subgenre are essentially the FC Natsume/Sunsoft games, the Rockman games where you can play as Zero, and maybe Strider, which is why our approach basically mirrors theirs. Looking at a video of Spartan X, enemies which fire projectiles are much rarer than in our game (where basically every enemy does), so the balance is indeed different. Still, tweaking this to support a more constant flow of enemies doesn't sound too hard.

It's all pretty much summed up in that -- whether if you're fighting enemies no matter what, or only when you approach them or scroll the screen. This is the first thing I'd decide, since it will determine the game's flow and pace, as well as a big part of the mechanics and controls. But the sprites' size (the visible area on screen, that is) is capital as well, because a distant camera which lets you see a huge area will make crowd control easier than a closer camera, so it'll demand more enemies at once, which is what your video's lacking, much like the FC games you're getting inspiration from. But yeah; you can balance it as well with the enemies' projectiles, or with the platforming (and zipline usage) aspect, etc. etc.

ARC Strider Hiryu is a special case, I believe. The actual enemy is the stages' configuration and the protagonist's behaviour. It's all about memorization in the end. It's like mentioning Monster Land -- the game's so based on the character's inertia that it's not really a good example here.

Purely from a programming perspective, I don't see a run-and-gun section taking too much work; the engine I've created is certainly modular enough to support it fairly easily. The main challenge would be the design, and perhaps even more importantly, the aesthetic aspects (trying to deliver the player a similar scale and sense of destruction that the Metal Slug games do). And as you surmised, it's not something I would want to include unless I was 100% sure we had the time and resources to pull it off properly.

And let's face it -- you have many control features you can (and must) elaborate on first. For being a debut piece, the game has many novelties you should make sure they'll work well enough and won't be a mere gimmick. I don't think it's an easy task at all. You can design some auto-scrolling areas, if you finally run out of time and money -- that always adds some variety. I strongly believe that you should only create what you really want to; your own vision. If it's Sunsoft's Batman or Natsume's Shatterhand what lies behind your personal motivation, then so be it. I myself think that formula was obsolete even before its own era, but maybe you can show people like me that it can be evolved. But if you're using the arcade philosophy as a catch phrase, know that it can turn back on you -- play at least the seminal pieces in the genre and you may find out a new thing to hug and love. (Or not.)

Anyway, I mentioned Metal Slug before Contra for not neglecting the short-range attack even in these areas (I think that having the ability of killing enemies with the knife is a cool feature of the former series), but I wouldn't expect your game (nor any game, for that matter) having the visual detail of MS. Super Contra or Contra Spirits' sense of destruction is nothing like MS's (in regards to the scenery and even bosses, that is) and they still work flawlessly (thanks to the overwhelming sense of killing all kinds of enemies).

This indeed sounds like the best way, now that I've thought about it for a bit. When I try to picture the way my fingers would have to move on an arcade stick, or even a controller, this definitely seems more natural than the alternative you suggested. The "downside", as you mentioned, is that the player won't be able to use their subweapon in the air, but how necessary was that going to be anyway?...

I like the idea of finally fitting the entire moveset into three buttons, at any rate. What's also nice is that, in this scheme, it doesn't seem very easy to accidentally enter the wrong command.

The downside, I'd say, is that only being able to use subweapons when crouching is a bit touchy, since you can't release it right after placing yourself or the scroll when you need to; you're required to also crouch. As with everything, it can work (remember Metal Slug's rapid grenades), but there's another limitation you must attend to.

You have other options, though. You can assign whip action to quarter-circle + attack commands, a la hadouken. All the protagonism you can bring over to the attack button from the third button is always a plus, in fact. Take a look (with the manual, if possible) at Kick Master (NES) for how new attack techniques can be implemented in a genre like this; if you still don't know this game, it belongs to this FC/NES school you're so focused on, and it's a quite special entry, at that.

And then there's the possibility of assigning slide action to quarter-circle + jump, like in Shadow over Mystara. It can work pretty well (it demands a little more effort from the player, but your video shows it's a very useful technique, maybe even too much, you know) and will also let you slide on the upper planes too if you limit the go down action to a strict down + jump (diagonals excluded).

Unceasing quarter-circle motions are easy on arcade sticks, but they can get quite exhausting with pads, so keep always in mind the perspective I'm talking from. People love Gekka no Yasoukyoku anyhow and I guess all of them played that with Sony's control pad, so whatever.

That looks awesome!! But, Radeon only... Is there an alternative for nVidia cards?

Take a look at this: http://geedorah.com/eiusdemmodi/forum/v … 1216#p1216

...but I can't help you there. I can say to you though, that if you're really serious on having a 15-kHz system (and you should), take the dedicated route and look for a Radeon card. As that forum will let you know, Calamity's work is in a very advanced status now and you'll get to play the best MAME version for this purpose. There's nothing like it, no matter what you'll hear.

(By the way, I had to edit out the link from the above quote before being allowed to post this. The forum software gave me an error about only being allowed 1 link in a post...?)

Thanks for reporting this. We'll have to look into it 'cause it makes no sense.


(396 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Uno de los inéditos de SS cubiertos en el reciente Maboroshi no Mi-Hatsubai Game wo Oe! [ > ], este capítulo exclusivo de Monster Maker, "Holy Dagger", se ve que bastante inspirado en Shining Force III:


https://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/gamesmasa/GAL … 8&no=3


(475 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Recap escribió:
Recap escribió:

Versiones de Strikers 1945 y Gunbarich se pusieron a la venta en el servicio de descarga a primeros de Agosto sin aviso previo. De hecho, Zerodiv, la responsable, ni siquiera les ha dedicado un rincón en su espacio:


Parece que han prometido que no será las únicas conversiones de clásicos para el juguetito de Nintendo y parece que, al menos, un modo con efecto de "scanlines" sí se ha implementado.

Lo hicieron en el "blog" del autor de las conversiones, que asegura, de hecho, que no son "traslaciones" (refiriéndose a emulación), y que por ello llevan la coletilla "for Nintendo Switch":


Además de algún otro título de Psikyo, promete uno original.

Y poniendo nombres, ya: Zero Gunner 2, un Sengoku Ace, un Gunbird y otro Strikers 1945, parece que por este orden, serán los siguientes. E insiste en la posibilidad de una obra original, se supone que del palo en cuestión:


Gracias a http://stg.liarsoft.org/


(4 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)


Exhibida una "demo" basada en la versión final en una reciente convención:


XBO se suma a la lista.


(1.778 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)




https://twitter.com/messofanego/status/ … 9829191680