Secrets of Grindea (WIN)
Secrets of Grindea is an old-school RPG, with co-op support for up to 4 players. In the world of Grindea everything is determined by one thing - how big you collection of stuff is. You take on the role as a young hero (or heroine) taking his or her first steps to become a famed Collector and help collect the most valuable rares in the entire kingdom!
The game features zelda-ish gameplay, but with deep character customization and skill systems. We have no classes, you build your hero from scratch putting skill points in almost anything you want, with no level caps holding you back!
We have a lengthy main story with dungeons in all shapes and colors, as well as multiple side-quests and hidden secrets! All this can be played with up to 4 players co-op, or just by yourself if you're more of a single player guy!
También viene de los países nórdicos, pero aquí han sido un poco más generosos con la resolución y en VGA cubriremos el ancho de la pantalla sin necesidad de escalar. Está aún en fase preliminar.
Secrets of Grindea - Early Co-Op Gameplay:
No parece precisamente excitante.
Mientras, Secrets of Grindea [ > ], ya tiene luz verde en Steam para 2013 (lástima que una plataforma tan infame se haya hecho tan popular...):
Secrets of Grindea Pre-Order Trailer
Lleva desde 2011 enseñándose y una década en rodaje público, pero parece que ya se han decidido con la versión final para la semana próxima: