18.576 23-01-2008 11:55:59
Re: Mugen no Frontier ~Super Robot Taisen OG Saga~ (DS). (9 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
18.577 22-01-2008 04:52:45
Re: Kekkaishi (DS). (8 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
Yeah. What a mess. Both games are using the same graphics and whatnot, so... I'll repair it later, thanks.
18.578 22-01-2008 04:41:27
Re: Low-res screenshots (86 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)
Firstly -- don't panic. You'll soon realize all these problems you've got there are quite silly, trust me.
Why take a capture of the emulator window with Irfan View instead of saving the screenshot with the emulator and THEN working on it? The only possible answer I've been able to give is that you prefer the emulator adding the scanlines instead of an external application...
Pretty much.
However, my experience with screen-capturing applications is that they degrade the image quality. Isn't the image I get from capturing using Irfan View worse than the emulator's native output? Irfan View seems to save in .bmp format, so perhaps not...
You answered yourself. You could even save it in .PNG and get the very same quality. I'd of course suggest you to do that.
But the problem here seems to be that many emulators do not allow me to resize a window to exactly twice the size of the original resolution. I was able to use ZSNES with no problems as you instructed me, but I had no such luck with MAME32. In MAME32 I can only get a window the size of each game's original resolution, but resizing is done manually by using the mouse and enlarging the window, and if I do that I have no clue when I've exactly doubled the screen size. Kega Fusion allows me 640x480 in windowed mode, but that is not the correct doubled resolution for any Mega Drive games. And with ePSX I wouldn't even know where to begin -- the video options in that emulator are so complicated they give me a headache. Not to mention that -- apart from MAME, which tells you each game's native res -- I wouldn't know how to figure out the native res for most games running on other emulators. I mean, how do you know at what res a Super Famicom game runs? I am sure there must be a way to see this; I just don't know it yet.
Seems I wasn't clear enough. With "display resolution" I meant the display for the game's graphics, not the application's. Forget windowed modes; I think it'll be easier for you if you take the full-screen route. In this mode, you must force the emulator, whichever it is, to do three things when it runs the game:
- To change to Windows' 640 x 480 mode.
- To preserve the exact "line-double" resolution for the game's display (check again the example with the standard SFC game I mentioned). That implies a) no "stretch to fill the screen" options enabled at all, b) some black borders displayed on screen (unless the game's native resolution was of 320 x 240, as it's obvious).
- To use 50% scanlines (and only that).
Since I was only able to use your tutorial with ZSNES, my snapshot was 512 x 448 so there were no added borders. Still the game ITSELF (R-Type III) has black borders at the top and bottom. Am I supposed to crop those off?
Well, that's up to you. If in that case there were borders, then the game didn't have "full-screen graphics", hence I'd say the borders should be in the snapshots. Check Postback's Edo no Kiba article.
All these sliders were at random values and I had to set them all to zero. Then I selected 8 for curvature.
Is this what I should be doing? All the sliders at zero except curvature?
Yep. But try it out and take whatever you happen to like more.
And do you have any idea what the "Random Seed" option is at the bottom?
It refers to the filters' pattern applied. Ignore it for the better.
Also, why are you choosing such a low curvature number? I was always wondering about that. I know that different monitors have different curvatures and all, but the curvature you are adding is so imperceptible you might as well not bother, no?
This is where I got stuck. The Resize/Resample menu has no option for automatic resizing to 4 : 3 aspect ratio. I have to set the size manually by entering pixel numbers... Frankly, I am completely lost here.
Do it manually! That's something you'll be doing without worries once you get some experience and have the page layout.
Here I have to ask: Do you really add blur to your screenshots?
They look crystal-clear to me... And if you do add blur, do you really think it's necessary/desirable?
If I thought it isn't, do you really think I'd do it?
I guess you are doing it to get closer to what you'd see on a real monitor?
Again, I am completely lost here. So lost that I feel like a complete moron. I mean, why mess with the colors? You say that we darkened its "original colors" by adding scanlines, but I don't understand how this works. Scanlines are just lines added between the regular lines, they are not added on top of the regular lines. So how did we darken the image?
'Cause fake scanlines and real scanlines are actually two very different things. You're used to RGB monitors, so you should know that. I'm, more or less, explaining it in detail in a forthcoming article, anyway, so let's leave it at that for now.
Besides, the Enhance Color menus scares the hell out of me. How am I supposed to figure out the best positions of all those random sliders? I don't even have a clue as to what I should be aiming for.
Hum... Practice. And rely in your eyes.
How do I tell if more blur is necessary?
See above.
So anyway, here's one of my tries:
With everything you skipped:
Still, that picture fails at something... The emulator's scanlines? I'm not sure. Compare it with these:
18.579 21-01-2008 00:42:20
Re: 'SNK Arcade Classics'. (5 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
Vía Brandon:
SNK Arcade Classics Volume 1
El nombre de la colección es bastante desafortunado... "Neo-Geo Classics" o algo así, como que sería mejor... Dudo que las conversiones tengan la mínima calidad exigible, de todos modos, pero, oye: primera versión doméstica de Shock Troopers, ni más ni menos...
Versiones WII y PSP confirmadas.
18.580 21-01-2008 00:31:08
Re: Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2 (PS2). (4 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
Un glorioso vídeo casero evidenciando aún más la incompetencia de los desarrolladores fichados por Capcom USA:
18.581 21-01-2008 00:26:38
Re: Star Ocean: First Departure (PSP). (15 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
18.582 21-01-2008 00:25:06
Re: Phantasy Star I - II - III - IV (PS2). (12 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
Salida a finales de Marzo, extras como modos "easy" y nombre definitivo: "Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 32: Phantasy Star Complete Collection".
18.583 21-01-2008 00:21:17
Re: Under Defeat (13 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
La verdad es que, "el último", no fue al final. Pero créeme que como si lo fuera...
18.584 19-01-2008 12:53:57
Re: Muchas dudas sobre los controles japoneses (26 respuestas, enviadas el Arcade sticks)
Lo que me ha sorprendido es que, una vez que hace clic, la palanca sigue moviendose un buen trozo hasta tocar el restrictor.
Es que el "clic" es instantáneo en las palancas Sanwa. Mover el eje 1 mm implica accionar el micro. Luego toda la distancia hasta la guía tras pulsar es el recorrido que han querido establecer. De modo que no creo que aumentar el diámetro del eje sea una posibilidad viable.
Y yo evitaría Starcab a toda costa, pero ya lo ha dicho Marshall. Escribe al de Akihabara Shop; esté como esté su página frontal.
18.585 18-01-2008 09:46:14
Re: Umi-Hara Kawa-Se PSP. (14 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
18.587 18-01-2008 09:39:02
Re: Low-res screenshots (86 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)
Sounds like it's my fault, actually. I assumed you'd know Irfan View was, more than anything, an image viewer, hence it needs an image to operate. The picture posted was quite self-explanatory, anyhow!
The tutorial:
1. Run your emulator at a display resolution which doubles the resolution of the emulated game. For instance, a SFC game will be generally 256 x 224. You must turn it into 512 x 448. Of course, that's only possible in a windowed (non full-screen) mode. A full-screen mode which DOESN'T stretch the picture (at least, vertically) would also work (notice the actual resolution mode used by your video-card here is of 640 x 480, and some lines will be blank lines). You also must enable 50% scanlines (only a few emulators don't have this option, so for those cases, ask me later, if you happen to find them).
2. Load the game and exit the emulator.
3. Open Irfan View (that means "open an image file with Irfan View") and press "C". This opens the capture setup window. Make your chose. You can even select an automatic capturing mode.
4. Don't close Irfan View and go back to your emulator. Play the game and take the snapshots as you selected.
5. Open one of the snapshots in your HD with Irfan View. Make sure the snapshot is border-free. Go to the Adobe 8BF filters menu and select "Television". You only need to add curvature. Something between 4~8 will serve. Notice you could also add "scanlines" from there, and even some other CRT effects. OK and Exit.
6. Resize the image's width via the Image menu in order to get a 4 : 3 aspect ratio (or whichever suits better for the page layout). Do it with a "resample" method like Lanczos Filter.
7. Let's add some blur now. Go to Image, Effects, Blur.
8. Time to Enhance Colors also from the Image menu. Modify the color balance, contrast and saturation as you prefer. This is a very important phase in the process, so be careful. Its point is to reintegrate the picture its original colors, given that both, the scanlines and the blur darkened it a lot.
9. Add some more blur if necessary, save your changes and there you have it.
18.588 17-01-2008 12:32:58
Re: The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match (PS2). (46 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
"Opening" en el sitio oficial:
http://game.snkplaymore.co.jp/official/ … index.html
Oh, y esta cosa, que aunque solo sea por los diseñoas de Kita, bien vale un "link": http://game.snkplaymore.co.jp/official/samurai_sen/
18.589 17-01-2008 00:21:08
Re: Low-res screenshots (86 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)
I indeed would delete those files you manually pasted there...
This is how it works once you have it installed:
Let me know if you can open that.
18.590 16-01-2008 12:58:56
Re: Sekaiju no Meikyuu II. (15 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
18.591 16-01-2008 12:57:48
Tema: Custom Beat Battle Draglade 2 (DS). (2 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
18.592 16-01-2008 12:50:53
Re: Comprar un CRT (169 respuestas, enviadas el Hardware del vídeo y emulación avanzada)
Las últimas Wega que vi yo en el mercado hace un par de años aún tenían un mínimo abombamiento. Quizás soy yo que siempre he usado Trinitron, pero a mí me gusta. No es el abombamiento exagerado de los monitores de antaño ni la superficie totalmente plana de los modelos modernos.
18.593 15-01-2008 21:08:27
Re: Muchas dudas sobre los controles japoneses (26 respuestas, enviadas el Arcade sticks)
Lo vienen a decir en el hilo que enlacé.
18.594 15-01-2008 12:59:17
Tema: Pokemon Ranger Batonnage (DS). (1 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
18.595 15-01-2008 12:56:32
Re: Comprar un CRT (169 respuestas, enviadas el Hardware del vídeo y emulación avanzada)
Un Trinitron con entrada SCART es muy difícil que no ejecute señal RGB, y por tanto, que no admita 60 Hz. A mayor tamaño (sin sobrepasar las 29''), menos riesgo.
No necesariamente las pantallas planas son de 100 Hz... Ahí, va en gustos, imagino.
18.596 15-01-2008 00:15:29
Re: Disgaea 3 (20 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
18.597 15-01-2008 00:13:43
Re: Tantei Jinguuji Saburou DS (Detective Story): Kienai Kokoro. (3 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
18.598 14-01-2008 13:24:49
Re: 'Oscuro' es poco decir. (393 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
Un juego de acción en perspectiva cenital de Data West que nunca llegó a salir quién sabe por qué causa:
18.599 14-01-2008 13:21:13
Re: Tir-Nan-Og (PS2). (3 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
18.600 14-01-2008 13:18:58
Re: Low-res screenshots (86 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)
Get this:
install them and then check it out.