(86 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

I will need to check on another moniter, the CRT one I'm using makes the scanlines hard to see.  I remember you adding scanlines to an image NFG posted and it didn't look bad.

It would be a pain to try and get some of those again (mainly the stage 2 boss screen) so I don't think I want to do that.  Best I could do is use Paintshop's blind effect at 1 pixel and 50% transparency but I'm guessing you already use a similar technique.


(86 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

You could always find some random guy in Kaillera, if you know how to port forward.

I don't know why the file wouldn't work, it had the right permissions.  Here are the images.



(86 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

Sorry, I just have the raw captures.

It took me a while to get the 2P screens.  It had to set each player up a little at a time and use weird button configs to control them.  I noticed you have a lot of muli-player screens, is this how you do it or do you have friends to help out?


(86 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

Uhh, if I gave you a couple (6) screens could you do me a favor and convert them to CRT style?  I don't think I can do this right now.


(1 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

I've heard that some of the people involved in Metal Slug were also involved in the making of Cyber Lip.  The staff list from each game does not help so I though I'd ask you Recap since you  know a lot about the SNK/Irem relationship.