
(8 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

http://www.bandaigames.channel.or.jp/li … nball_kai/

Vía Game Nyarth.


(18 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Se anuncia nueva trilogía. Primer episodio: "Layton Kyouju to Majin no Teki":

http://www.gpara.com/article/cms_show.p … p;c_num=14



(78 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Nueva actualización, dejándonos saber que existirán dos modos para afrontar el juego, uno más enfocado a la acción directa sin aditivos, otro más como "action RPG". Se ve que han querido solventar el principal problema de Odin Sphere de la manera más natural:

http://www.mmv.co.jp/special/game/wii/o … style.html


(2 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Gust ya oficializó hace meses que veríamos sus trabajos en PS3 y aquí está el primero. Desvelado en Dengeki, aunque no nos despeja la duda -- ¿se habrán atrevido con "sprites en HD" o se habrán pasado al lado oscuro?

http://img213.imagevenue.com/loc420/th_38464_viploader947341_122_420lo.jpg http://img195.imagevenue.com/loc728/th_37335_uporg2080687_122_728lo.jpg

Vía http://gamenyarth.blog67.fc2.com/blog-entry-5799.html

Edito: No "en Famitsu", sino en Dengeki. Su presentación será en la Dengeki Play Station Magazine del 27 de Marzo.


(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

I know what fails now. More on it tomorrow.


(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)



(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

Alright. No. 9: http://i42.tinypic.com/n54e4y.png


(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

No. 8: http://i40.tinypic.com/6fy1bc.png (733 x 175)

Try it without the Insomnia and the browsing lines (just to see the effect).


(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

icycalm escribió:

I uploaded 6. Check it for yourself.

Oh, I see. what about making that header's width a bit smaller?


(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

Also, the non-reviews index buttons must definitely be 'negativized' if you're going to preserve them. I'd go with a single text format for now, though.


(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

Sure, but! No. 6 has some cropped motifs. Without the white border they aren't going to look well. In which sense does the border clash with the page design?


(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

750 x 175 No. 6:


750 x 175 No. 7:



(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

750 x 175 No. 3:


750 x 175 No. 4:


750 x 175 No. 5:



(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

Need some color reworking since those greys could get lost depending on the monitor's settings.


(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

750 x 175 No. 2:



(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

750 x 175 No. 1:



(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

icycalm escribió:

You can start on the translation we already have, and I'll also send you the two new ones to check later today.

Nope, I meant "a translation of a review". Other articles' text doesn't need to be aligned with any image and inserting it is trivial; the reviews are the ones which may give me some headache.

And don't you think it's better if the English version changes the site name a bit since it's indeed external to Postback? If "Postback EX" sounds too silly to you, we can find something else.


(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

Gotcha. Pass a translation on to me whenever you have it since I'd need to get an idea of how big the text reduction is with the language change. It's the only issue so far.


(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

icycalm escribió:

So you want 4 articles to take up only a single slot on the frontpage? We could do it, but the pages would end up getting less traffic than otherwise.

As for an index page devoted to Postback -- there is nothing easier than this to create. All I would need is a 750x175 banner with the Postback logo. And I would also add a section on the sidebar of the frontpage where all the latest Postback updates will be linked. And of course every page would also link directly to the respective Spanish page.

It's just an idea. You're the one who must decide the form it should take in your site. I'm not sure now if I'd like an Insomnia where some stuff is somehow differentiated from the rest, and that includes the layout.

I could redesign a bit the current layout for the English version, with Insomnia's color and even brand-new Postback EX or whatever logos, but keep in mind that you could be facing some problems if you wanted to redesign it all by yourself one day --essentially, that you'd have to do it in a per-page basis--. So just say what you'd like.


(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

I don't understand what you mean. The way I see it, it's either issue by issue, or article by article. I don't see a third way to do this, except if you want to group together 2 or 3 articles/reviews at a time, which I guess is possible, though I don't quite see the reason. Either go full out with entire issues at a time, or one article at a time, is how I see it. Maybe you can try explaining what you mean by "anthological issues"?

I can:

Postback EX #01 -- On Genocides and Reinventions | Kuroi Hitomi no Noire (PS) | Deae Tonosama Appare Ichiban (SFC) | Choosing your Arcade Stick Parts

What I said about your frontpage makes no sense, that's right. Indeed, with this format it would get more hidden since it's just one entry. I think I meant to say 'in the whole site'. Having its own section (as if it was a 'mini-site' within) is what would serve to differentiate it, which seems apropiate if only because of the different layout. Anyhow, this should require more thinking, and most likely it only could come after your pages with the old format get updated and see if your general index could get a bit more clear.


(85 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

La "borrosidad" es culpa del filtro aplicado en el propio juego, no del sistema de compresión para las capturas. Tendría poco sentido la comparación que me molesté en hacer, de lo contrario. Ahora bien, yo tengo confianza en que el filtro sea opcional, por las razones que ya he comentado.

Otra historia es el paso de las 768 líneas originales a las 720 de estas capturas, que encierra un enorme despropósito teniendo en cuenta que las TV de 720 no se comercializan desde hace años. El último par de imágenes pretendían reflejar las líneas perdidas, pues se han escalado proporcionalmente. Para más explicaciones y conjeturas:



(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

karagh escribió:

Anyway, I think that the translation idea is really good and that must be put into practice, or at least try it. Icycalm, maybe when those 2-3 articles are finished we can have a good perspective of what can be expected of all this.

You already have one example right here: http://insomnia.ac/commentary/of_genoci … nventions/

Even after some fixing by myself, I don't like it.


(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

As for translating Postback issues in one go, it's a good idea, but I think it would be too hard to implement with volunteers. Besides, if we take that route then we might as well stop translating individual articles and start from Issue 1 in its entirety.

I didn't mean that. We can invent many things. For instance, think of it as "anthological issues". You can put into each of them whichever you want. The point is just not releasing the usual one-shots which would get lost on your frontpage.

On that note, how would you feel about simply hiring a competent translator, Recap? I am sure you could find someone in Madrid. I would be willing to go halves with you on that. I am already going to be sending some free games to the volunteers for their work, so if we could find a proper translator who could do the issues one by one, without asking for TOO much money, I think it could be worthwhile.

That's very nice and thanks a lot, but I don't even "hire" a domain name... This shit should be paying some bills of mine, not the opposite. On the other hand, I don't believe in Spanish translators. I've worked at a very popular translation company based in Madrid, so I should know! It's better a natively English speaker, since that's the target language.


(15 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Sitio oficial actualizado.

Vídeos: http://www.procer.jp/movie.php

Gracias a AM-Net.


(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

icycalm escribió:

No one said that the site would not maintain its original language. Of course it will.

I think Marshall was trying to say that the English version of Postback won't really be 'Postback' as such since there'll always be something lost in the translation process. Hence, English-versed people won't really know 'Postback', but an altered form of it, so it's at least questionable. And those are exactly my thoughts. But given that Postback failed as a website, it's a welcome proposal. In the end, it's better if the people know a slightly altered version of Postback than no Postback at all.

It's going to be a bit tricky, of course, and require a bit more work than the articles, which is why I am leaving the reviews for after we are done with the articles. I would especially like to start with the more obscure ones, such as Kuroi Hitomi, Deae Tonosama, etc. I am sure they will cause quite a stir on the internets.

This is what I think: If we're really looking for a "stir" of some level, we should be publishing them somehow grouped in small issues, a bit like I do with my own updates. Throwing one of them alone from time to time on Insomnia's frontpage, while it'll serve to add more content, won't really help the cause (=letting more people know this site). As a proper Insomnia's section/subsite, especially if they're going have their own layout, would have more impact and would make all those Japanophiles keep an eye in your site. I'm sure they find Insomnia a bit too "Westernish" for their tastes as it is.