Tema: Win X68k High Speed v0.95 full screen patch and low res display.
http://postback.geedorah.com/foros/view … 626#p10626
English-language posts / questions regarding this emulator patch by Calamity go here, please.
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Postback » English talk » Win X68k High Speed v0.95 full screen patch and low res display.
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http://postback.geedorah.com/foros/view … 626#p10626
English-language posts / questions regarding this emulator patch by Calamity go here, please.
The game [Valusa no Fukushuu] has a 'CRT Mode' option in the configuration menu, but I don't know enough about the hardware to know what exactly its doing. I suggest you look into it, I'm rather interested myself to know what it does, and its rare you ever see such an option in a game.
The game also switches into a high resolution mode when there is a cutscene.
It's just the usual 15/31-kHz switch. Most, if not all, X68 low-res games run in a default 'pixel-quadrupled' hi-res mode, which is quite ugly and unnatural, if may I add. Some, like Valusa, have the option to use the system's true low-res mode for a proper display, given that the monitor was tri-sync-capable (some games have the option a bit hidden if you don't have the manual, actually).
The tricky part here is that the X68 almost never used 480 lines for the hi-res display like every other platform did, but 512 lines instead, whereas it did use the more standard "240p" modes for low-res display. So the low-res games were normally rendered at 256 lines [256 x 2 = 512], but when switching to 15 kHz, only 240 were displayed by losing 16 lines in the process (with Sol-Feace it's quite evident, since you'll miss the lives-left display).
Unmodded X68 emulators for WIN do two particular things to keep in mind:
- They use the 800 x 600 mode for full screen, given that they need to display 512 lines and 640 x 480 wouldn't suffice (there's not a mode of 512 lines on standard WIN hardware, as you'll know). Therefore, you get either, windowed or upscaled visuals on full-screen display with them.
- They can ignore the double scanning the X68 did for the 31-kHz modes in low-res games, so instead of pixel-quadrupling the picture like the system did, they keep the original frame buffer intact, hence the graphics are displayed with no artifacts at their design resolution. Of course they'll do this in a window --much like they do it when you run a game at 15-kHz modes-- usually of 256 x 256 pixels in this case.
Here's where Calamity's patch comes in handy, of course. It forces a full-screen mode of 240, 256 or 512 lines for those of us with 'low-res' video cards, hence even the originally 'pixel-quadrupled games' with no "240p" option are displayed at their native resolution.
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Postback » English talk » Win X68k High Speed v0.95 full screen patch and low res display.
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