Tema: Aleste Branch.
El otro anuncio es una nueva entrada (original) en la serie Aleste, aprovechando así por fin la compra de la franquicia a la otrora Compile:
Recap escribió:- Aleste 2019 inaugurará sello, "M2A", las fotos dejan claro que será poligonal y no parece que hasta el verano vayan a contar más cosas.
Se llamará "Aleste Branch" y la nueva encarnación de su protagonista está en manos de Eeji Komatsu, popular entre los aficionados a la escena "doujin" de PC98 (como "CO2-Pro") pero sobre todo por sus trabajos para Kogado:
Resumen de la conferencia celebrada este fin de semana en Akihabara junto a Beep! Shop:
Aleste Branch tendrá dificultad propia del formato doméstico y no descartan selección de rutas a lo Darius. Equipar distinto armamento afectará a la apariencia de la nave.
Recap escribió:Primeras capturas de Aleste Branch, y no salen de Japón...:
In the early '90s, there was a movement where people tried to create graphics that looked like 3D using 2D technology. That was right before PlayStation came along; games like Super Thunderblade or Galaxy Force. Our concept for Aleste Branch is to recreate that look. One of the important requirements for this game is, since the market for shooting games is not that big, we can't spend money like on a huge blockbuster game, so we have to make it small and swift. That is one of our first requirements. The pixel art in the style of the Super Famicom looks great, but if we're going to make graphics in this style nowadays, it will take a lot of time, and time equals money. Today there are only few people who can do this style of graphic by hand, so going retro doesn't always mean going cheap. So to cut the cost, we are considering utilizing tools like Unity to make the development more cost-effective.
https://www.usgamer.net/articles/aleste … hmup-retro
En fin.
En acción:
Un par de capturas nuevas de Aleste Branch gracias al último artículo de Famitsu Dot Com [ > ]: