Tema: What has become of Insomnia.ac and Kierkegaard?
Hi there!
I'm a longtime reader of Insomnia.ac and have of course encountered Recap's expert reviews and comments there. I'm also familiar with some of Recap's essays, such as "A Matter of Visual Precision". I hope that Kierkegaard's and Recap's respective communities overlap and I can find help here.
The reason I'm writing is that Insomnia.ac seems to be out of action permanently. As I'm sure you all know it was hacked this summer. I was hoping that Kierkegaard would recover his site or inform longtime readers of a new, more secure site. As this has not happened so far, I would like to inquire if anyone here knows of a new website or blog of his. I was a (small and only financial) contributor to his site and would certainly be willing to help with the financing of a new site, if that's what is needed.
I apologize for this somewhat off-topic post and hope that you can help me.
Best wishes