Tema: Sumire no Sora (WIN, NS).
Explore through a variety of lush, beautiful environments rendered in a painterly style.
Discover collectibles, bonus items, tests of skill, and other challenges -- some hidden, some not.
A series of quests both big and small, given by charming forest creatures, quirky townspeople, and Sumire's own heartfelt needs. Take or refuse them, but be wary: as the day progresses, you may never get the same chance again.
A one day time limit. With the sky changing from the promise of morning to the soft twilight, all choices are finished when the sky turns to violet.
Viene de Game Tomo, dedicada a la edición de obras foráneas menores en Japón, pero dicen que con desarrollo interno esta vez, aunque está por ver con cuánto reparto nativo. Esta primavera y con adaptación al inglés.