Terre Shima no Meikyuu (WIN).
Otro de la escuela de Wizardry, vendido en el último Comiket:
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Terre Shima no Meikyuu (WIN).
Otro de la escuela de Wizardry, vendido en el último Comiket:
Irem también quiere...:
El 'kosu-pure ["costume play"] simulation game' de Irem que empezara (o no tanto) como una de sus bromas para el April Fools, camino a PSP:
Desarrollo de Examu sobre Taito Nesica, en formato panorámico. Series confirmadas en tener representación: To Heart, To Heart 2, Comic Party, Tears to Tiara.
Aquaplus también confirma el desarrollo de Tears to Tiara 2 y Utawareru Mono 2 (con "más protagonismo para las batallas") para PS3:
'Set' de cartas de instrucciones si encargas la edición especial de Muchi-Pink en la Cave Online Shop:
Edición: Como muestra la imagen, no se reproducen realmente los encartes para los 'arcades' originales, si acaso, se asemejan (formato A4).
Yeah, I wholeheartedly agree with all you say, and would go even further -- the main sprite looks quite lame by what is shown. But even so, I'll take 100 like that over either, recycled assets from previous classic pieces or craptacular CG models repeated ad nauseam. One would think though that in this day and age it'd be common knowledge that Turrican got all that praise back in the day due to the intellectual enclosure (see also "ignorance") the European gamers lived in by then, but seems some people just can't realize how bad nostalgia may be at times.
Vídeo 'a pie de calle':
Fixeight también suena ya:
Parece que no se ha abandonado esto, después de todo: La portada del último nº de Arcadia, a punto de ponerse a la venta, hace mención a un tal 'Aquapazza', un juego de lucha con los personajes de Aquaplus...:
http://www.famitsu.com/blog/arcadia/201 … 227_1.html
here is Timm from the company NG:DEV.TEAM.
We need help in creating pixel art for our upcoming game. It is a Jump'n'Shoot game in the like of Super Turrican and Super Metroid for NEOGEO / Dreamcast / WiiWare.
We already created most of the art and we need coloration and animation for some new art. For example big boss enemies and background art like a destroyed space ship and alien statues. But you could also design new graphics.
http://www.pixeljoint.com/forum/forum_p … ?TID=11540
Por lo poco que he llegado a ver Last Hope y Fast Striker, no puedo decir que pasen de mediocres incluso para los estándares 'amateur', por lo que la única razón de poner un poquito de interés en su tercera obra no es otra que el género que han decidido recoger esta vez, tan falto de nuevas propuestas, además de aparentemente abandonar los aburridos 'pre-renders' por fin. Por desgracia, no está concebido como 'arcade game' como las obras anteriores, sino como un Metroid [con soporífera banda sonora], tal y como apuntan. Hay que ver cuánto daño hizo Turrican y el eurotrash...
Sup, Josh: http://forum.insomnia.ac/viewtopic.php? … 7259#14417
El catálogo de Eighting, que aún no habíamos enlazado:
El de Rideon Games:
La conferencia para presentar los nuevos títulos de Cave para 2011 ya tiene fecha y lugar: 19 de Febrero en el Belle Salle de Akihabara:
Enlace: Game Nyarth 1.0.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzeJctCb … r_embedded
Arcade Mode con la relación de aspecto original incluido en el 'remake' para PS3.
Gracias a Game Nyarth 1.0.
Segundo 'trailer':
Y sitio oficial actualizado.
This game is released only in Japan, but it will be worldwide-region disc.
Dogyuun, V-V y Knuckle Bash, ya con sonido:
Nuevo vídeo promocional:
Bikkuriman y compañía, artistas invitados:
KOF98 UM FE y KOF 2002 UM, desde el día 24:
Con el I-Pad no he conseguido oír demasiado... ¿Algún resumen? (¡Azpiri!)
I wasn't aware that Ys V was 12,800... No wonder why the game was so severely criticized back in the day. Was the Expert version as expensive as this?
I'm sure the Western games you mention got those prices for being movie-based. The Japanese publishers most likely had to pay for the licenses apart and put some extra work for the agreements. Not to mention that the games would sell no matter the price 'cause the advertisement campaign was almost done already.
I've always believed that Japanese PC games have been traditionally more expensive due to their comparatively lower print numbers. If you know you'll sell less but the developments costs are still the same, you need to compensate somehow. Anyway, this is, I'm sure, the key here:
"did the pricing for other companies just depend on perhaps the hype a game had or niche it was marketed to?"
Is it alright if I move this to the public forum?
Mihara anuncia que, dada la demanda recibida en su bandeja de correo entrante, tiene intención de lanzar un parche para que Guwange 360 tenga un modo de 4 : 3. Nótese que no especifica 'a pantalla completa para el área activa (3 : 4)', de modo que podría suponer, simplemente, que se corrige el problema de visualizarse en formato panorámico al usar monitores de 4 : 3 (el juego de serie no viene preparado para estos monitores, por irónico que suene):
AWJ (Alex Jackson) added support for the extended V25/V35 features to the NEC V20/V30 core in MAME.
These features (timers, memory-mapped register banking, custom interrupt controller) are used by the sound programs of several Toaplan titles. He then hooked things up properly in the driver, giving full sound to Batsugun.
Batsugun has unencrypted sound code, so was the easiest one to get running.
V-Five / Grindstormer, Fix Eight, Knuckle Bash, and Dogyuun will also benefit from this once their sound code has been fully decrypted. This is just a matter of time and a bit of effort in figuring out the programs.
For the remaining Toaplan games (Teki Paki, Vimana, Fire Shark, Ghox, Whoopee JPN version) the sound MCUs need decapping, which will require funding / donations for this purpose.
And for those interested:
* 12th March 2000: Quench sent in a Toaplan2 update with support for Ghox, V-Five, Dogyuun and Batsugun.
* 0.139u3: David Haywood fixed incorrect VDP mixing in Batsugun.and now 0.141u1 (when it arrives) will finally have the game in full working order!
Combining my previous graphic fixes in 0.139u3 with the complete sound emulation from AWJ, means that for the first time ever the game will be 100% working in an emulator! It’s only taken almost 11 years :-)
http://mamedev.emulab.it/haze/2011/01/1 … -progress/
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