27 de Enero en dos formatos -- electrónico y físico en el 'Wizardry Twin Pack', acompañado de su precuela.
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27 de Enero en dos formatos -- electrónico y físico en el 'Wizardry Twin Pack', acompañado de su precuela.
Fenomenal regalo navideño. Tu trabajo será apreciado y reconocido como merece con el tiempo, Calamity.
Vídeo promocional para Sturmwind, vía foro de Neo GAF: … r_embedded
...y vídeo demostrativo de la nueva versión que se prepara de Vanguard Princess, con secuencias de 'anime' para los 'supers', vía GN 1.0:
También ha abierto una especie de 'blog' oficial dedicado a destripar los juegos:
Okay, so I volunteered to be one of the guinea pigs for the Neo Geo Station, and I had a little time to play Metal Slug. So here's my thoughts:
Overall, the emulation quality is very good. It looks like the ports were done by M2, and it shows. The slowdown seems to be in all the right places, there's no input lag, and the game looks razor sharp. I did notice a graphical glitch with the second stage boss, which has a weird, black hitflash instead of an orange one. It's a minor issue, but seriously... what the fuck? This should be perfect, especially for $9.
Audio quality seems to be fine, though I did notice an occasional clicking sound when I was fighting the first stage boss when shit was really getting chaotic on-screen... can't remember if that was in the original off-hand, but it probably was and my memory's just failing me. Again, a minor issue if it is actually a discrepancy.
I tried the online mode briefly. Lagfest. Don't bother.
The frontend itself is really, really nice, though. I like how everything is really well organized and pleasant to look at, and there's no shortage of visual options. Thankfully, you can turn all the stupid smoothing filters off and keep the proper aspect ratio so that it looks absolutely mint. Hell, I think this may actually be sharper than any way you can actually play the original cart, or even better than MAME/Nebula/Kawaks/Final Burn/NeoRageX. It just scales really, really nicely. [Risas --Recap]
One issue I did have, though, is that this is the AES version of the game, and it seems to limit you to 4 credits. I didn't see an option to switch to MVS mode, or an option to get more credits. And if that's the case... that's fucking stupid. Now, I'm a real man and I play my arcade games on one credit, but it's downright retarded if they don't at least give you a freeplay option of some sort. Maybe I just missed it in the menus or maybe it's unlockable or something, but if it's not there, that is a problem.
Nuevo 'test' público anunciado a partir de mañana vía Famitsu, que desvela el Ringwide de Sega como sistema empleado:
Nuevos vídeos en el sitio oficial.
No hay resolución de 'puzzles', solo escenas de narración - combates. Los segundos no son particularmente complejos. Y seguro que hay alguna guía de traducción en la Red a estas alturas.
Sucede a G-Generation Wars. Desarrolla Tom Create. Sale en Febrero.
Por primera vez, un RAP ('todo Seimitsu') en honor de un juego de XBLA: … gun_stick/
Solo en prepedido.
Por fin algún 'MAME dev' se acuerda de Fire Barrel. Se han arreglado después de más de un lustro los principales problemas, aunque aún quedan cosas por pulir. No es el único juego afectado:
A ver si suena la flauta y se siguen acordando de los incontables 'drivers' sin acabar, empezando por el de Mega System 1, que vaya tela. … r_embedded
A ver si ahora toda la montaña de 'weblogs' de cuarta quiere enterarse de que no es "Violet", ni "Violat", ni siquiera "Violate".
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