BlazBlue is 1280x768. WXGA is 1366x768.
Seems 1280 x 768 is also 'WXGA': … dards2.svg
So they did use a known standard at least. Still stupid enough given that both, Vewlix' monitors and HD-ready TVs are 1360 x 768.
KOF is "pure" 2D. If you could set the game at 768p, that would mean that the backgrounds are cropped when you see them at 720p. But no, there do not exist extra pixels beyond 720p.
So you have already confirmed that? The shit's getting dumber and dumber. Do you know what's the default setting for the arcade version assuming it's on a Vewlix cab? Stretch to 768 lines for a full-screen display or native 720 for two black borders?
I'm sure there'll be an option to remove the filter (at least for home versions), but in the end, same issue as in XII -- you can't play the game and please your eyes at the same time.
I don't think so. For KOF XII, since the sprite have an exactly 200% upscaling (round number, constant pixel size), they considered the option of disabling the filters, but for KOF XIII, if you display the sprites without filtring them, they will look fuckin ugly with enormous jaggies. They will look uglier than those unfiltred in KOF XII.
Not that it seems to be something they'll be concerned about, if you ask me.
The best I can reach by now is that: … na_02f.jpg
Note that this picture is taken from a low curvature Trinitron (no cheating, it's a real old 29" low-res tube, not a computer one! :P ), from 3m from the screen. The curvature seems very low at this distance, and the focus of the picture is good even for corners.
Each time I try to go under that, the picture shows lots of artifacts ([>] like this...).
I can reduce that with a little bit of horizontal blurr, but anyway, the picture will always loose the smallest details of the surface of the CRT screen (i.e. the phosphore layout).Damn, do you realise it ? All those fuckin "High Resolution crystal clear" screens of today can't show the magnificence of a low-res picture tube at one time... :P :P :P
The best way is to provide full shots with a necessary lack of phoshore layout (something that seems too much "clean" to you), and propose shots of small parts of the action. Something that can shows the greatness of pixel art displayed by CRT, like [>] this or [>] this, maybe...
I guess I can't have everything. The bigger the rez, the more accurate the screenshots get, no wonder, but serves nothing if you need to downscale them in order to display it on your monitor. For game analysis, you need to show full screenshots, think about it. And I'm not disatisfied with the results I got, as I told you. Once I get them less blurry, that is.