Tema: Analogue Super NT: SFC y SNES emuladas bajo FPGA.
Recap escribió:
Tendrá entrada de tarjeta SD, y en su precursor se lanzó un "firmware" extraoficialmente que permitía carga de imágenes de ROM (y más) por este medio, por lo que es de esperar que se repita la jugada. Tristemente, éste no tendrá salidas analógicas de A/V.
Prepedidos en curso para lanzamiento en Febrero.
What if one of the greatest run'n'gun games of all time was never released in its original developed form? In 1993, Factor 5 finished developing the complete Super Turrican for SNES, a 6Mbit title. Unfortunately the game had to be cut down by 33% to 4Mbits. 24 Years later, Super Turrican: Directors Cut is finally here. Featuring a new level with new music, more enemies, better sound effects and graphics and even a new way to use the beam weapon.
We're releasing an UNRELEASED Super Nintendo game. And every Super Nt includes it on the system, digitally.
Aaand, we designed an original SNES-style Super Turrican - Director's Cut box that is included with every order too.
Also, as a bonus - Super Turrican 2 is included digitally on every Super Nt, so you can play through both back to back.
Se anuncia adaptador de la salida de vídeo y audio digital a analógica, así que empieza a merecer hilo propio:
this is an external adapter for Super Nt. Will work with all pre-existing Super Nt's.
its looking like it will work like Nt mini's analog outputs. So perfectly.
It takes proprietary digital signals from Super Nt and converts them to high quality analog signals. Outputs to same DSUB15 jack on Nt mini.
Outputs: RGB, Component, S-video, Composite, analog audio...and probably more. Same quality as Nt mini. Zero lag. Zero signal degradation.
https://twitter.com/analogue_co/status/ … 1138093057
Es emulación a nivel "hardware", así que que nadie piense que es comparable a otras soluciones ya en el mercado. Queda ver cómo es realmente esa conversión digital-analógico, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta la disparidad de los modos de vídeo del sistema original, pero se supone que está en manos fiables.