Tema: Poison Pink: lo último de Flight Plan.

Revelado en la última edición de Famitsu, Poison Pink será un nuevo S-RPG (cómo no) en PS2 de Flight Plan para Banpresto. Nos alegra que su relación se extienda más allá de la saga Summon Night, pero esperamos que no sustituya al apuntado (hace meses) nuevo episodio para la misma plataforma. Se anuncia para primavera...:

http://ruliweb.empas.com/ruliboard/read … mp;main=ps



Re: Poison Pink: lo último de Flight Plan.

Diseño de personajes por Tomatika ( http://tomatika.daa.jp/ ), el mismo dibujante que Flight Plan eligió para Dragon Shadow Spell. Menos mal que parece haber cambiado algo el registro...


3 (editado por icycalm 03-11-2007 02:34:02)

Re: Poison Pink: lo último de Flight Plan.


Genre: Dark Fantasy Simulation RPG :)


Re: Poison Pink: lo último de Flight Plan.


Es 3D, los "portraits" y el modo de movimiento de S-RPG (no las batallas) parecen ser lo unico 2D que conserva el juego.


Re: Poison Pink: lo último de Flight Plan.

Se podía adivinar con esas (malas) fotos de la revista... Lástima (¿cuántas veces he empleado ya la palabra "lástima" en lo que va de año...?) que Flight Plan se decida también por estas prácticas; pensé que habían tenido bastante con el esperpéntico Black/Matrix 2...

Para quien se pierda, pasamos de esto:


...a esto:


Que luego me digan que exagero, con lo del drama.


Re: Poison Pink: lo último de Flight Plan.

Interview with Masami Watanabe, president of Flight-Plan, and as hardcore a gamer as they get.

With Summon Night we managed to create a world not seen before with a concept of cute characters and summons. As far as Poison Pink is concerned, the impetus was the idea to create a completely different, new fantasy world. This game's concept is to catch and collect demons in a dark fantasy world. The protagonists are three characters investigating a den of demons named Besek, which has suddenly appeared. The demons are awaiting the protagonists, who have embarked on their journey to rescue a princess who has been abducted to the demon lair. When defeating the demons, who attack one after the other, it is possible to capture and turn them into party members if special conditions are met. At a place known as Demon's Mansion, it is possible to dismantle demons and turn them into weapons. After freeing the people abucted by the demons, one can also enjoy a conversation with them at a safehouse. I think that adding system of catching and collecting [demons] to the fun of the simulation will definitely make players happy.

http://www.rpgfan.com/features/intervie … ndex1.html

Also reveals two new games: a second self-published one and a new PS2 Summon Night installment that will be an action RPG.


Re: Poison Pink: lo último de Flight Plan.

Yeah, thanks. We already had a thread for this, so:

