Re: Site issues
So you want 4 articles to take up only a single slot on the frontpage? We could do it, but the pages would end up getting less traffic than otherwise.
As for an index page devoted to Postback -- there is nothing easier than this to create. All I would need is a 750x175 banner with the Postback logo. And I would also add a section on the sidebar of the frontpage where all the latest Postback updates will be linked. And of course every page would also link directly to the respective Spanish page.
It's just an idea. You're the one who must decide the form it should take in your site. I'm not sure now if I'd like an Insomnia where some stuff is somehow differentiated from the rest, and that includes the layout.
I could redesign a bit the current layout for the English version, with Insomnia's color and even brand-new Postback EX or whatever logos, but keep in mind that you could be facing some problems if you wanted to redesign it all by yourself one day --essentially, that you'd have to do it in a per-page basis--. So just say what you'd like.