
(3.233 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Platformance (XB360, descargable por 80 MSP)

No es nipón, pero imagino que también se sirve allí:



(7 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Tendrá un modo para dos jugadores en local:

http://shankgame.com/news/shank-backsto … -campaign/

Y parece confirmada su salida en Japón.


(1.764 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)


http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/se … 82294.html


(53 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)





(23 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)




'Sprites' filtrados y escalados como en FFT en lo que parece la posición estándar de la cámara. Comparad:

Versión SFC

Con zoom-out en PSP

http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/ne … 82308.html

El sitio oficial: http://www.square-enix.co.jp/tacticsogre/


(23 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Matsuno joked that it would be praise for them if someone who played the game would say, even with contempt, "This is just like the original!"

"...¡pero diez veces más pequeño, ma-ja-de-ro!"


(1.764 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Yo diría, más bien, 'refrito de imágenes'.


(10 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Anunciada versión para PSP en la Dengeki:



(1.764 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

El rumor del momento:



(40 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Y nos dice M. Asada, a la vez que nos recuerda el inminente 'test' público, que es su primer trabajo en recreativas para Cave, así que es posible que Ikeda vuelva a estar ausente en el 'staff':

http://cave-game.cocolog-nifty.com/blog … -7927.html

La última edición de Famitsu XB360 recoge una entrevista con el buen Sr. ¿Desvelará algo sobre lo que prepara en exclusiva para la máquina?


(23 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

No sé lo que durarán, pero éstas son unas digitalizaciones aceptables de todo el 'dossier' de Famitsu:









Enlaces: http://gamenyarth.blog67.fc2.com/

Es una conversión con extras como nuevas escenas y mejoras mecánicas, subtitulada 'Unmei no Rin' ('La Rueda del Destino'). Parece que no han hecho la chapuza del FFT y los gráficos conservan su resolución, ampliando el área visible para pantalla completa. Personalmente, no le veo mucho de "profanación"--menos aún estando el equipo original detrás--pero si me parece un lamentable desperdicio de recursos y de talento (como cualquier cosa que pase de 'sobremesa' a 'portátil' pero más sangrante aún por los nombres que hay detrás aquí). Una majadería más de nuestros días, en definitiva; turno para la siguiente.


(40 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

No faltan ya los que quieren apuntarse el tanto, así que la fuente original del panfleto digital, para que no haya dudas:



(86 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

Eboshidori escribió:

If the software is able to display a 480p content at 15 kHz 480i, it may be possible to "remove" the sync pulsations of the interlacing before the output and display a 640x240 frame.
It's not exaclty a genuine 320x240, but it's impossible to make the distinction. ^^

It's not the game, but of course Windows through the 15-kHz video drivers the one which makes the usual 480p into 480i. It's not different in this regard, I guess, to plugging a standard video card into a 15 kHz TV with S-video and the TV mode.

Even if nothing is done on that way, as long as you display a non filtred 480i picture with the same content for each pairs of lines, you have the possibility to get a nice 240p picture by removing the interlacing in the TVs that allow it (or in any 15 kHz monitor if I achieve my little electronic circuit ^^).

Good luck and keep us informed. Sounds like too much work.

That's why video games die inexorably as time goes by.

Speaking of dying things, do you know somewhere to get a 29'', multi-sync CRT (15-24-31) currently, brand-new, if possible? Hantarex has stopped selling them here in Spain. A shame, 'cause they even had them SCART-ready and with a shell perfectly suitable for placing them vertically too...


(53 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)


Dos formatos de pantalla a elegir (4 : 3 y ¿16 : 9?) (esperemos que se conserve el modo original de 480p/VGA en la versión 3-60), nuevas secuencias de animación en HD y Arc System Works como editora.


(53 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Anunciadas al fin versiones domésticas (PS3 / XB360) en Famitsu:



(23 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Arte coyuntural rehecho, por lo menos. Famitsu:



El original: http://web.archive.org/web/200112132310 … of_to.html


(40 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

As I said, for DSII-like graphics, it'd say "31 kHz", given the hardware it used. But yeah, we need an official confirmation. It's sure it's a stand-alone PCB and not a "system" per se, but no word on if it's SH3-based yet.


(40 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Gráficos b i t m a p, chachos:


No es que se pueda asegurar con esas capturas, pero lo que sí puede leerse en las especificaciones es "pantalla de 15 kHz". Si fuera poligonal como DSII concretarían 31 kHz.

4 pulsadores, por cierto.

Imagen: http://gaforum.org/showthread.php?p=8637866

Y yo que andaba ya echando pestes por el diseño de personajes...


(86 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

Eboshidori escribió:

Some interlaced PS2 games should be originally 224 lines instead of 240, like, say, the ports of Psikyo games.

It's even worse, considering the PAL and NTSC resolutions: so, in many compilations, you have games with 224 lines that are stretched to 480 lines (PAL resolution of the PS2, 50 Hz) , and you have games with 240 lines stretched to 448 (NTSC resolution, 60 Hz).

Sure, but for games originally of 224 lines on NTSC machines (the ones that matter), it could serve. Anything's better than plain scaling.

I tried Mushi. It's badly scaled on the Y axis (240 to 448) as you know, but even on the X axis !!! When the backgrounds scroll, there are several places where the lines are suddenly divided...
It's small, but it's anoying. And of course the game is filtred.

I guess that you'd get the same issues with the soft patch?

I'm thinking indeed about many possibilities. Windows games at 320 x 240 design resolution but with forced 640 x 480 mode in full screen, for instance. There're lots of doujin games like that (some do keep the desktop rez, fortunately for us with 15 kHz cards, but very few).

If the game runs at 640x480 with a clean line doubling, there's no need to force it to 320x240. Just run the graphic card at 480i, and disable the interlacing on the TV.

If you use Windows XP, when you force the game at a lower resolution, it may be filtred, as everything is filtred by now (on Windows 2000, the defaut image viewer didn't filter the pictures when you saw them at different resolution, for example).

Just to clarify, for the games which just keep the desktop rez on full-screen mode, you don't force anything. They work flawlessly if you're at 320 x 240. For the games which get pixel-doubled on full-screen mode, I never knew how to force them for a 240p display, I'm afraid -- they auto-change to 480i.

There is no danger for the TV, the deinterlacing process doesn't modify frequency, timings and voltage amplitude of the signal. It's just a question of skipping some sync lines and the half-scanline of the regular interlaced signal.

Every old game systems that run at 240p use non standard signal, a video signal  with (deliberately) missing sync informations. That's the secret. :)

Yeah, I know. It's nice how they turned a by-product into a wonderful artform, though. But wasn't sure about forcing it with the service menu -- can't wait to check it out now.


(3.233 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Recap escribió:

Recettear (WIN):

Es lo último de Easy Game Station, autores de Ele-Paper Action ( http://egs-soft.info/product/elepaper/epa.html ). Un "simulador de tendero" con partes de acción a lo Zelda:


Aún sin fecha de lanzamiento. Gracias a Zepy.

Tres años después, parece que tendremos versión en inglés. Viene de manos de una nueva casa, se ve que con aspiraciones profesionales [ > ], y ya tiene 'demo':




(86 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

Eboshidori escribió:

First, you can only find it in numerical chassis (TVs from 1995 and after). In some TVs, it is explicitly indicated in some menus:

http://raster.effect.free.fr/15khz/480i … 8366_2.jpg

( other pictures at : http://raster.effect.free.fr/15khz/480i-240p/  )

This example is a 1995 Trinitron.

It's the TV I'm using currently. I just need to find "Interlace", right?

At the time I didn't go further, because I noticed that the "deinterlaced" picture looks awfull if the source was filtred (either bilinear or anti-flicker)...
If the game or the system doesn't allow you to display a clean picture, it's not worthy to try to display 240p. If You try to regain scalines from a game with 240 lines that have been scaled to 448 lines (the typical PS2 case) and filtred, you'll get nasty flickering on few lines, and shitty picture anyway.

Some interlaced PS2 games should be originally 224 lines instead of 240, like, say, the ports of Psikyo games. Have you tried Mushi or Ibara? They're supposedly 320 x 240 originally. I know they're all filtered, but many people are de-interlacing them with soft patches and whatnot and they seem to work to some degree.

But when you start from a nice source (an emulator set at 480i with perfect line doubling and no filters, displayed on your TV with soft15khz), it gives you perfect results ! (and absolutly no lag)

I'm thinking indeed about many possibilities. Windows games at 320 x 240 design resolution but with forced 640 x 480 mode in full screen, for instance. There're lots of doujin games like that (some do keep the desktop rez, fortunately for us with 15 kHz cards, but very few).

And what about Capcom's DC games like Capcom vs SNK 2 or Marvel vs Capcom 2? You must have tested that!

If this somehow works (can't you harm the TV?) you've made my day.


(86 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

Eboshidori escribió:

I tried to take the best and sharpest pictures, tried several way to resize them, but at the end, it's the same problem: there aren't enough pixel to show enough details.

To take sharper pictures of the CRT screen, remember it's a question of shutter speed and underexposure. Try to find the good set-up to, to have low levels, just enough to be able to recover them.

I'm still to check the camera's settings and try it out properly according to your instructions, but thanks. Will do it soon.

So, you display a 448x448 picture in a 640x480 windows. You just have to change the horizontal size in the chassis of your CRT, a perfect stretch with no loss of quality (thanx to the flexibility of the raster).

Stretching 448 lines out of 640 for a 4 : 3 display sounds like a bit too much, though, even for the best tubes out there. I'm interested in the interlace disabling without scan converter you mention though. Which TVs have it or how do you find it on the service menus?


(164 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Capcom se lanza al fin a la edición de sus clásicos de recreativa para VCA. Empiezan por el principio, eso sí:




(40 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

"Akai Katana" ("La Espada Roja"). Previsto para Agosto, con el primer 'test' público el 23 de Julio en el Hey de Akihabara:



(botón verde para el vídeo)

http://cave-game.cocolog-nifty.com/blog … -9158.html

Enlaces: Game Nyarth 1.0.


(6 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)
