"Knights of the Phantom Castle" is a (fully-featured) robust strategy game that incorporates massive monster armies, gigantic monsters and stage devices.
In this game, build your army of knights during the [Camp] phase; decide on the army's deployment, equipment and strategies during the [Combat Deployment] phase; and, during the [Stage Battle] phase, take advantage of every control techniques, terrain and stage devices to clear the stage objectives and move on.
- Features
Simple one-step "Tap - Flick - Drag" finger commands!
Using "Multi-Touch," the simultaneous control of several army units!
Six classes, each with their own specialized skills!
Over 50 stages with numerous stage devices and difficulty levels!
http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/ne … 59227.html
Estrategia en tiempo real para un título que se diría fue concebido para I-Pod por aquello de la resolución de diseño de los gráficos, pero que se anuncia en exclusiva para el nuevo juguetito de Apple.