(22 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)


My personal site about 2D games, old game artwork, and possibly tokusatsu (Japanese live action superheroes) if I ever get around to it.  Right now I have a couple reviews, a gallery, and a bunch of my game replays up.


(7 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

Yeah I beat Parodius Da!.


(7 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

It's a new shooting game for Atari Lynx by Super Fighter Team.  Why?

Footage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bjkg4Lnypw
Official Site: http://www.zaku-lynx.com/


(1 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Looks like Golgoth Studio is already beginning to work on their next remake after Toki.

So far all they've released is a model sheet for Joe and Mac.

http://golgothstudio.com/devblog/genera … haracters/

Kinda ugly I think, but Joe and Mac were never pretty were they?


(7 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

Another Flyer source: http://g-catchcopy.cocolog-nifty.com/



(2.795 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Well it's not any key on my keyboard.  If you ever try the game out and get it to work please let me know.


(18 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

I agree that a Japanese game artist could do better.  They seem to have the best grasp of what shapes do and don't work when trying to make something look cute (they for instance, probably would have never drawn those hideous cheekbones on the idol in the image you posted.)  But how many of them are actually trying something like this?


(2.795 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Yeah.  It's really fun to see where you can sneak in all the special moves.

Is the X68K version freeware?  The ROM link on the French site doesn't work for me.

EDIT: Nevermind.  Now I just gotta find out where this Start button is.


(2.795 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Awesome game, from what I can tell by the demo.  Thanks again Recap.


(18 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

I think it looks pretty good.  The liberties they've taken don't bother me too much since it's not like the original was done in the typical manga style.


(96 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Street Fighter IV Concept Art:
http://fightingstreet.com/folders/artwo … t_art.html


(355 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Woah, that Katsuya Terada illustration from Columbus is a better find than the game.


(23 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

That Rockman...and Wolverine's pectorals...

To me, the majority of American comic books have looked horrible for at least a decade.  The adoption (and misuse) of "manga" charecteristics is among the problems, but not before the adoption of tacky digital coloring techniques (WAY too much gradients, lens flares, and light speckles), and influence of the character designs made for live-action adaptation that has reduced the Marvel Universe's once vibrant cast of characters to a bunch of guys in similar black leather sadomasochism uniforms.

And sorry for the English.


(0 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

Gallery of Puyo Puyo trading cards, kinkeshi-style figures, larger figures, "pogs" (tazos) and other stuff:


(2 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Lots of videos here: Enlace


(7 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

I don't expect you to sacrifice the binding.  Thanks.  I have a Yoshitaka Amano B&W book, if you want to see anything from that.


(7 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

The Famicom artwork generally seems to be less obstructed by ad text.  Like this:

http://gamedic.jpn.org/museum/tirasi/FC … 0127_1.jpg

Too many Westerners are quick to dismiss Toriyama after contemplating precious youth spent watching badly dubbed filler epidodes of DBZ, but he really is the master of chibi stylization.  You get the pleasant saturation and minimalism, but enough detail to the line, color, and forms that you want to look at it for twenty seconds longer than most chibi stuff.

http://membres.lycos.fr/skanlon/picture … Slump3.JPG


(7 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

Too bad the forum doesn't have a PM system.

In case you didn't know: http://gamedic.jpn.org


(54 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

Looks good I think, but the inverted magnifying glass needs a vignette to match the black background.

Looks like it's inspired more by Abe's Odyssey than an action game like Daiku no Gensan.  With that being the case we just have to hope that the puzzles will get more complicated than the one shown in that first screen.


(96 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

They were hiding Nishimura artwork this whole time?  The second picture should have been the main graphic.  But Ikeno's style is closer to this than Nishimura's is.

Cool.  Natsume had some of the best output of any console developer during the later Famicom and Super Famicom era. 

There's another interview here (in Japanese) if anyone is interested.  The questions are pretty general though.

Looks great.  We need another Skullmonkeys.  And an NDS emulator that supports scanlines.


(9 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Que el diseño de carácter hace que un obvio influencie del cómic de Saiyukiden Daienou de Katsuya Terada.

Coincidente, éste era el ilustrador de Sol Divide.

(Recap, I hope you don't mind me communicating like this.)


(86 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

That's awesome.  I like that style the best.

Also, could you replace the final screen with this one:


Next time I'll risk the malware and download a keygen somewhere so I can use your guide.