… /#more-809

Ocha-Ken no Puzzle, en las calles:


(2 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Esto lleva varios meses en la calle, pero doy ahora con el vídeo promocional:

Y el de Initial D AS5:


(13 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)


(40 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Turno del X-Mode:


(6 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Podría ser al final un típico 'adventure game' romanticoide japonés (con poco de "adventure" y menos aún de "game") basado en una de las series de moda de turno (escrita originalmente por el autor de la popular Baccano!, que además está supervisando todo el guión del juego), pero parece que la interfaz de Durarara!! 3-Way Stand-Off empleará 'sprites' a controlar directamente, así que puede que exista componente de exploración, según muestran las capturas. No aclara mucho, el avance de Dengeki, pero aquí lo dejo:


(4 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Ya dijimos que Sunsoft vuelve con este 'remake' del Ikki de FC para el servicio de descargas de PS3. ¿'Pre-renders' en lugar de tiempo real? y hasta 12 jugadores. Si no han hecho estupideces con los controles, puede tener gracia:


(1 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Desarrolla Work--Jinguuji Saburou--Jam y sale finalmente en Mayo:


(11 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

A punto de anunciarse versión DS:,3 … 74p,00.htm

Enlace: Game Nyarth 1.0.


(40 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Y mientras 6, 6, 6, 5 en la edición madre:

Es como si acertaran casi siempre con el género, de alguna manera.


(14 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos) … 60944.html


(15 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Uhh. Parece que no verá la luz finalmente en forma de recreativa porque Milestone anuncia el juego en PSP: … p_top.html

Enlace: Game Nyarth 1.0.


(40 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Nuevo vídeo sobre el modo Arcade que... enseña demasiado. Cuidadín:


(11 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)


(5 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Un peculiar juego de acción pretenciosamente retro para XNA, pero viene de Yuzo Koshiro y su Ancient.


(9 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Se trataba de un 'dossier' sobre varios productos de Strike Witches, y ésa es la página de presentación. La entrega de PS2 es un 'adventure game'.


(40 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos) … 60675.html


(0 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Un simulador de director de parque zoológico que publica Gameloft para el servicio de descargas DS-I Ware: … 60764.html


(19 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos)

Wonder Project J 2, adaptado para los Foma 703i / 903i: … 60731.html


(9 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos) … 883,00.htm


(86 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

zinger escribió:
Recap escribió:

640 x 480 is a pretty bad size for low-res screenshot purposes.

Maybe it's a stupid question, but how come? I don't understand the theory behind this. Is it because image editing method's distortion is too obvious with such small resolutions?

The theory behind it is just that the bigger the size, the bigger the ability to mimic true scanlines' behaviour in a digital environment is. Keep in mind that true scanlines aren't perfectly regular black lines; they vary according to the colors they separate, being even virtually invisible with some colors like red if the screen is not too big:

In order to simulate the lines' 'melting', or getting closer to it--since that's still to properly simulate--we need a bigger resolution. Just compare Ronan's samples with any of Postback's screens. Of course, going further, if the size is big enough we could even work in a per-pixel basis for even more accuracy.

Shit this is confusing. One thing I don't understand is why emulators aren't set to emulating the 4:3 aspect ratio by default? I mean the difference is huge!

You'll soon get used to it. It's easy to understand why the emus' settings aren't 4 : 3 by default -- they're emulators, not simulators. Ideally, we all should be using video hardware capable of the original systems' video modes, so no artifacts of any kind would be needed.

Recap escribió:

See, that's what I meant. All the CRT games have a 4 : 3 aspect ratio. It just happens that many of them have also black borders, but those are also part of the screenshot itself. You'll find all the interweb emulator screens from PC88 and PC98 games at 640 x 400, but the actual systems' frame buffer left two black borders for a 640 x 480 full-screen resolution. So when you find this, for instance (PC98 Digan no Maseki):

Ah, that's why I got weird results with that intro sequence in that SFC System Sacom car game? The emulator removes the borders for us?

Which "weird results"? "The emulator" removes the borders only if you tell it to do so. With a standard SFC game, you have natively 256 x 224. That's usually doubled for default non-windowed display with SFC emus. Given that 512 x 448 is less than VGA mode res (640 x 480), you get borders. If you want to get true full-screen, you need the emu or the video card to scale it to that res. It's an anisotropic, non integer scaling, so any pre-scaling effect will be affected and indeed the pixels are distorted.

Recap escribió:

Forget this size and try ~ 1280 x 960 screens for everything. You can see Ronan's uploads are the way to go. Hi-res screens would get scanlines too at that size, but half their usual size (we still need to test that out). If you're using 640 x 480 screenshots despite my advice, be extremely careful with PC88 / PC98 games. They usually have default fake scanlines or other artifacts which don't allow for slight scaling / curvature or even blur without ruining the screen (that Wer Dragon screen, for example).

The emulators have default scanlines you mean, there must be some way to disable them though? I haven't the deciphered the options menu in M88 yet.

Nope, I meant the game's default fake scanlines. This is material for the second part of my scanlines essay, so without elaborating it too much, many games for the old Japanese computers were designed with fake scanlines in order to prevent the always ugly line-double effect, given that they used graphics designed in low res for RAM and budget limitations.

So when you have something like this:
PC98 TRITORN II's normally because the game was indeed designed so and not an emulation artifact, unlike, say, MAME's.

(And there you have who's the actual inventor of that thing so popular these days as is the fake scanlines. Not many people know that!)

One more thing: when resizing these images to fit my website's design, is there something to keep in mind? All images will ofcourse link to the full-size version, but I'm sure there's a golden rule to make them look acceptable when scaled down?

I'd need to know the thumbnails' size in order to answer this, but unfortunately I don't think there'll be a very good way for non-photographs. Best way I can think of is taking the original, non-scaled screen (or just scaled to 4 : 3), adding curvature, blurring it a bit and touching up the colors if needed with IR Fan View.


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The Speris Legacy (AGA).

Oscuro solamente en el contexto japonés, puesto que no llegó por allí. Un pupilo del Kamigami no Triforce para los usuarios de Amiga 1200:


(86 respuestas, enviadas el English talk)

zinger escribió:

OK, here we go. I think I've gotten the hang of the basics:

I'd say so. But please, don't miss that the final conclusion in this thread, as I told you, is that ~ 640 x 480 is a pretty bad size for low-res screenshot purposes. If you're starting off right now, you should go for this size and these results:

Or better yet, photograph the RGB CRT.

What confuses me though is games that run at custom resolutions (like SFC Prince of Persia or certain cinematics, which run at 512*448 - should I resize that to 597 x 448?):

Well, I'm not really sure that SFC POP runs at the system's high res mode (Are you? How?), but for those which do, you should get the screens to have a 4 : 3 aspect ratio, yeah. But it's exactly the same issue we have with SFC low-res screens -- they're 256 x 224. All the old 'CRT games' (saving Taito's double screen games and whatnot) are 4 : 3 (or 3 : 4). I'm not too anal with aspect ratio stuff for my screenshots as the Site shows, though, I just get close enough to it.

The real question here actually is -- how do we simulate the interlace of a high res mode like the SFC's?

Another thing is PC88 games (and several other computer games I'm sure) that run at different weird resolutions, and with different aspect ratios it seems:

Is that Wer Dragon?

See, that's what I meant. All the CRT games have a 4 : 3 aspect ratio. It just happens that many of them have also black borders, but those are also part of the screenshot itself. You'll find all the interweb emulator screens from PC88 and PC98 games at 640 x 400, but the actual hardware always left two black borders for a 640 x 480 full-screen resolution. So when you find this, for instance (PC98 Digan no Maseki): actually should be editing it in order to get this:

Your proof, in case:

Some tips and comments would be very much appreciateed.

Forget this size and try ~ 1280 x 960 screens for everything. You can see Ronan's uploads are the way to go. Hi-res screens would get scanlines too at that size, but half their usual size (we still need to test that out). If you're using 640 x 480 screenshots despite my advice, be extremely careful with PC88 / PC98 games. They usually have default fake scanlines or other artifacts which don't allow for slight scaling / curvature or even blur without ruining the screen (that Wer Dragon screen, for example).


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(20 respuestas, enviadas el Hablemos de juegos) … 60137.html

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